Lion in the Sandbox


Page 7

critics vs nit pickers

critics are concerned with you hearing their valid concerns.

nit pickers are concerned with you hearing their voice.

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The condition that sets in when your engine starts making a slight, but nonetheless concerning noise.

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necessarily delusional

You need to be delusional to a certain degree.

Because if you weren’t you wouldn’t believe you could actually do it.

You aren’t supposed to say you’re special because nobody wants to hear that type of boasting.

But if you’re actually special then what are you supposed to do? Keep it a secret?

No. You keep it a delusion, somewhere between unreal and real.

So when you get there then you were right all along.

And if you don’t then you were just crazy.

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I make numbers look pretty.


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MY8 Pumas

bought for $20/ea

Sold to South Korea for $120+/ea

Made a summer’s worth of money in a few weeks. Saw some people take notice along the way. It made me proud to make them proud. Proud is something people don’t feel all the time but sometimes they should.

It makes people happy to see other people doing stuff right for a change.

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nicknames are a tell

take notice whenever someone stops using one.

there’s a reason.

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the advisor test

have them take a survey where their responses consist of advising others. then re administer the survey with the same questions but asking how they’d do things. measure the difference between responses. bigger distance means bigger bullshitter.

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i get what it means to be a weekend warrior. it’s reclaiming your weekends. it’s kicking your ass extra hard during the week so your weekends don’t suck and you can actually recharge.

a lot of people save work for the weekends. that’s why some peoples’ work-week never ends.

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hello world!


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