Lion in the Sandbox


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when it’s an option you know that you’ve finally made it.

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bad artists copy; great artists steal

It’s doing it better than it’s ever been done by those that’ve already done it.

It’s not copying – it’s stealing the identity and making it your own.

It’s making everyone stop caring that you weren’t “the first.”

It’s achieving perfection that can’t be matched.

It’s fair when it makes it better than it’s ever been.

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the art of rage

You want people to feel a static shock when you walk by. If they look at you, you want it to burn.

You want your presence to feel uncomfortable from across the room. You want your silence to scream so you don’t need to waste your breath. You want them to want you to leave (you won’t). You want interactions to feel like walking on embers.

You want them to understand you won’t help them. You don’t think they deserve it. Even if you know they do. You help the helpless by helping less. You have nobody to ask for help because you don’t want it. You help only yourself so there’s nothing to owe.

Sometimes your contempt for life and for people is overwhelming. It’s a sick thing that broken people live as long as they do. It’s torture for everyone involved. Helping because it’s considered humanly decent only serves to perpetuate parasitic existence.

You’d understand if it all was a litmus...

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creating value

learning to get ideas out of your head and into usable, three dimensional form.

it might take many cycles to just get ideas into your brain in different ways

and then you remove them again

to pull and knead them like taffy

step by step they emerge on the physical plane

what a wonder it would be to have DaVinci’s hands to speed up the process!

you’d create value even when you made mistakes.

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two startups one 9-5 and an MBA


it’s the alignment of everything in your life so it all points toward where you want to go.

it requires an unthinkable amount of thinking, but not freezing up–you can never freeze up. it’s figuring out how to continue shining brightly without burning up.

it’s anything but easy. but do it right and easy’s how it should look.

it’s fitting puzzle pieces together before knowing their shapes. it’s observing, learning, and only then acting. it’s seeing around the bend. it’s finding ways to sneak peaks of the future by considering options.

figure out how and it makes things predictable: the future feels more like the present. the present feels more like the past. it’s easier to act when you know what’s coming up next.

it’s cutting some out who might’ve ended up meaning a lot. they’d be close if they’d been allowed to stay. it’s...

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small talk with a bureaucrat about a process

your time would be better spent talking to a brick wall, or slamming your head against it.

no matter how charming the dialogue, how cordial the relationship, how good your reason or excuse may be, you will never ever budge them an inch on any topic that’s been codified into a process. these people are mechanical and rules to them are ordained by a higher power — as long as it’s written somewhere and issued a document number never expect the outcome to change.

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stay positive


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i slept without a blanket all winter; I wanted to see how I’d fare with only a sheet.

my car stopped working so I sent it away; I’m living on a train schedule for now and I hate it.

I can’t drive to the store so I stopped eating lunch; at noon I shut the door of my office until it’s time to open it again.

I’d rather feel what it’s like to starve than be in the company of some people; I interact as little as possible, occasionally wondering if anyone notices.

I’m fascinated by how little we need to get by, and I’m learning my limits.

fasting usually ends with a feast; when I make it to the end I just hope there’s something to eat.

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following breadcrumbs

take almost any circumstance as a test. find ways to extract positives whenever you can.

you can’t help but think things happen for reasons — but you’re clever enough to know that paths to goals are random and numerous.

reasons should be kept at arm’s length and left for hindsight’s consideration. or better yet not considered at all; rather, they can be determined by coin toss between predetermination and luck.

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Harvard case studies

thick as molasses and about as good for you.

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