
people don’t readily conceive the weird characteristics of large numbers. even small percentages make an incredible differences unlike anything seen in the day to day life of an average person…

exploiting these rules is how to get ahead.

it’s how to make the economy work. it’s how to pay back everyone, and give everyone a new beginning. it doesn’t matter what you owe – this will allow you to become what you always wanted to become. own a house, take a vacation, it’ll affect everyone differently but it’ll help regardless.

it’s what i’m going to do. find a way for the world to pay back itself.


Now read this


i slept without a blanket all winter; I wanted to see how I’d fare with only a sheet. my car stopped working so I sent it away; I’m living on a train schedule for now and I hate it. I can’t drive to the store so I stopped eating lunch;... Continue →